Generations of Nakba

November 28, 29, 30 2023 | 8pm (Sold out)
Program rerun: December 3, 2023 (Sold out)
Program rerun: January 10, 11, 12 2024 | 8pm (Sold out)

Regards Palestiniens’ 16th edition takes place against the horrific backdrop of Israel’s continuous bombing of Palestinians in Gaza and its intensifying violent attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank. As the number of dead and injured and maimed and disfigured continues to rise, we continue to grieve, and to collectively and repeatedly condemn the genocide and ethnic cleansing that is unfolding in Palestine and that we are bearing witness to at a mediated distance here in the Global North—a painful reality that is sanctioned by our governments and largely silenced or distorted by mainstream news outlets. It is necessary to challenge misleading and biased rhetoric, and to counter racist representations that dehumanize Palestinians and sustain the complacency towards the suffering inflicted on them. This year’s program therefore draws urgent attention to 75 years of persisting Nakba, of which the current assault is only the latest manifestation. Across three nights, Generations of Nakba screens important subjects in the multi-generational Palestinian struggle against more than a century of settler colonialism, violence, oppression, and apartheid. Whether attending to the activities and perspectives of resisting Palestinian women, the voices and soundscapes of younger generations, or harkening back to militant image-making of the long 1970s and its transnational resonances, these films are testament to the many layers of Palestinian history, to the importance of listening, and to keeping up the struggle against erasure. We are more than ever committed to amplify Palestinian voices and perspectives. It is in firm support and solidarity with the Palestinian people’s steadfast struggle for freedom, justice, and equality that we offer this program.

Regards palestiniens

Part of the proceeds from these screenings will be donated to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.

Generations of Nakba is co-presented with Cinema Public, with the support of The Raah Lab (Concordia University), Maison Palestine ~ Dar Filastin, and McGill Refugee Research Group.

Générations of Nakba

Feminist Resistance

This final screening night centers around the stories of Palestinian women who have powerfully fought against and resisted Zionism. The two films presented respectively reflect on the experience of guerilla fighting and the haunting memories of imprisonment in Israeli jails.

subtitles: English

90 min

Generations of Nakba

Militant cinema

The struggle for Palestinian self-determination was supported by radical left-wing movements worldwide, also in Japan. This is illustrated by a collection of 16mm films, which were dubbed and screened in Japan. R 21 AKA Restoring Solidarity draws on these documents.

Mohanad Yaqubi
Palestine, Qatar, Belgium

language: English, Arabic, Japanese
subtitles: English

71 min

Générations of Nakba

Young Voices

This short film program explores the worlds of Palestinian children and youth through an emphasis on different soundscapes and voices, from bombardments felt through vibrations in Gaza to video game sounds that simulate lived reality under colonial rule.

60 min

Cinéma Public,
a cinema on the move