Phąm Thanh Hài et Đào Duy Bào Đįnh dans une scène du film Viêt and Nam.

Cinéma Public,
because film is vital

On the big screen On the small screen
Phąm Thanh Hài et Đào Duy Bào Đįnh dans une scène du film Viêt and Nam.

Viêt and Nam

In the underground coal mines, Nam and Viet, young miners, face danger and darkness. One prepares to leave for a new life, but they must find Nam’s father’s remains, a soldier lost in a faraway forest, retracing the past through memories.

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Denzel Washington et Sarita Choudhury dans une scène du film Mississippi Masala.

Mississippi Masala

Years after her Indian family was forced to flee their home in Uganda by the dictatorship of Idi Amin, twentysomething Mina falls for the charming Black carpet cleaner Demetrius. Their passionate romance challenges the prejudices of both of their families.

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Pauline L. Boulba et Aminata Labor consulte des documents dans une scène du documentaire JJ.


As they retrace the life of Jill Johnston, Ami and Popo meet people who knew them. Jill Johnston seems to have lived a thousand lives, and each provides access to lesbian legacies, offers a perspective on the role of lesbians in art, and tells of bodies in activist spaces.

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Denzel Washington et Sarita Choudhury

This February

Three Love Stories

What would cinema be without love stories? Here are three for Valentine’s Day season: Mira Nair’s Mississipi Masala, Truong Minh Quy’s Viêt and Nam, and Maria Maggenti’s The Incredibly True Adventure Of Two Girls In Love.


Un voilier navigue à travers une cité engloutie dans le film Flow.

Petits cinéphiles series

Screenings for the whole family

Every Sunday, in the late morning or early afternoon, we schedule a screening for the whole family. Carefully selected films for different age groups will delight both young and old.


Halima Elkhatabi discute avec le public suite à une projection au Cinéma Public.

Ensemble au cinéma

Over 6,000 participants!

Through the “Ensemble au cinéma” cultural mediation project, we are pursuing an objective that is close to our hearts: to make the cinema a place where people can live together, where the experience of films is lived, shared and developed through exchange and discussion.

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Cinéma Public,
a cinema on the move