
Barbara Loden
1970 - Drama - 102 min

Affiche du film WANDA de Barbara Loden dessinée par Julie Delporte pour le Cinéma Public

International cinema


Julie Delporte

United States

As part of our collaboration with artist Julie Delporte, who put together a program of four films, all directed by women, and designed a poster for each one.


The April 15th screening will be followed by a discussion between Julie Delporte and writer Anne Lardeux. 


Wanda Goronski can no longer stand the miserable environment in which she lives. Fired from the factory where she was employed, she decides to leave her husband, a miner, and their two children, without looking back. A wandering through the city begins, where Wanda, without the slightest resource, ends up clinging to Norman Dennis, a shabby traveler’s clerk who makes ends meet by committing robberies.


Barbara Loden’s only feature film turns out to be a true masterpiece, in which she takes the viewer on a descent into hell filmed in the harsh mining regions of Pennsylvania.

FST - French subtitles
EST - English subtitles

Cinéma Public,
a cinema on the move