Image du film Zo Reken de Emmanuel Licha

zo reken

Emanuel Licha
2021 - Documentary - 86 min

Image du film Zo Reken de Emmanuel Licha
Quebec (Canada)
French, Haitian Creole

The winner of the Best Canadian Feature Documentary Award at Hot Docs, this work by Montreal filmmaker Emanuel Licha looks at the powerful 4×4 vehicles that have proliferated in Haiti, and the privileged position they symbolize. The vehicle – nicknamed zo reken by locals – is used by the many NGOs that have appeared in Haiti since the 2010 earthquake; in this film, it becomes a space for Haitians’ voices to be heard. While the driver attempts to navigate the many obstacles, as well as the restive people in the street, conversations inside the car give a compelling account of the country and denounce the neocolonial and paternalistic nature of the white “saviour” figure. (


Heart to heart with Emanuel Licha and Carlos Ferrand

FST - French subtitles
EST - English subtitles
CC - Closed captions

Cinéma Public,
a cinema on the move